Deadline for local participants April 15th, 2022
Deadline for international participants May 5th, 2022
Click on
Select: POI Tuition
Quantity: 1
IMPORTANT! Enter full name of participant in the personalized box AND add ROOM AND BOARD then click on “add to cart”
Enter the amount ($500) and click on “add to shopping cart”
Room and Board Fee
This package is ideal for students with long drives and or flights.
Length: May 30-June 4, 2022
Meals (Monday-Friday)
Transportation to and from the airport.
Cost: $500
NOTE: For international or out-of-state students desiring to arrive on Sunday, May 29, 2022, must be responsible for their own housing, meals, and transportation on that day. Dorms at this locations are closed on Sundays for new arrivals.
Click on Check out and Pay. Pick whether to create an account or pay as a guest.
Delivery Method: Select "Hold items at Will Call"
Email us if you have any questions.